
Whether you’re a valued member, a potential partner, or simply curious about our work, we’re here to connect. Reach out to us with your questions, ideas, or opportunities for collaboration—we’d love to hear from you.

At EUROCROWD, we are committed to fostering innovation, growth, and professional development across Europe’s crowdfunding landscape. Let’s work together to shape the future of alternative finance.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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EUROCROWD Headquarter

SQ North, BD Roi Albert II 4
BE-1000 Brussels

Bologna office with ART-ER

c/o ART-ER
Via Piero Gobetti, 101
40129 BO, Bologna, IT

Bilbao office with BAT

c/o BAT | B Accelerator Tower
Gran Vía Don Diego López Haro, 1. 
Bilbao 48001 (Bizkaia)

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