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GREENFOOT – Green power and Energy Efficiency investments community-Financed for football building

by Oliver Gajda on 05.04.2021

Funding Programme: H2020

Duration:  September 2020 -August 2023

Website: not available yet

Description: The GREENFOOT concept is to finance sport building EE renovations and RES installations with crowdfunding schemes that propel Europeans to become active participants in the energy transition through their love of sports and their favourite teams. To accomplish this goal, GREENFOOT will develop and implement a community-based financing scheme for renovating stadiums, practice facilities, and related buildings (e.g. team headquarters, fitness centres) with energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RES) measures. The concept will be demonstrated on three participating football buildings during the project runtime from major international football clubs (French Federation, Ireland Assoc. and Azerbaijan Assoc.).

Our role: EUROCROWD will actively contribute to the development of the financing structure and investment opportunities for successful community-based sport building renovations and RES installations. Furthermore, EUROCROWD will coordinate the activities aimed at organising the offering strategy for the investment packages developed as well as designing a marketing strategy for the crowdfunding options identified by GREENFOOT, targeting both businesses and participants. Additionally, EUROCROWD will support the project in assessing any existing regulatory barriers to crowdfunding rollout at EU level.

Expected results:

  • 275 GWh/year of primary energy savings triggered by the project
  • 35 million EUR investments in sustainable energy triggered by the project
  • 65 million EUR investments in EE triggered by the project
  • 9158 million € per year in energy savings in final energy consumption triggered by the project
  • 1,865 CO2e per year GHG Emissions avoided due to the project
  • 5 million EUR investments solicited in crowdsourced financing of EE and RES in pilot projects on three of the candidate buildings

Project partners:

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